About Shipping Fee

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About Shipping Fee

-Shipping is limited within the country. (We can't make delivery to foreign countries.)
- We start the shipping process only AFTER your payment deposit is confirmed.
- After the shipment is completed, we will send you the "Confirmation Report" by email (or by FAX).
- It will take 1 day to a couple of days (depends on the district) to complete the delivery.
You can check the delivery date on the "Confirmation Report."
Please note that the shipment date could be delayed according to the weather and transportation.
- Please view the format below about the shipping fee (tax included.)
- If your order include the products need to be kept refrigerated, we will cover the extra surcharge for the cold delivery service.
- The delivery service to Okinawa and other isolated island will be charged additional fee. There wouldn't be any notification on the shopping cart screen, so please contact us about the total shipping fee by email, phone or FAX.

--- Shipping Fee List ---

Shipping Fee
(tax incl.)
Shipping Fee and
Cool Delivery Fee
(tax incl.)

1200 yen
1500 yen

Main Okinawa island
(reference price)
1500 yen
1800 yen

Solitary island
Please contact us individually  

You can choose the payment type from the followings.
- Credit card
- Cash on delivery service
- Bank/Postal transfer

1. If you choose credit card
- After your order was accepted, we will proceed the settlement
- You can use "Yamato Collect Service" 's kuroneko@payment credit card service
- If you set up the cash on delivery service on the shopping cart screen, you can pay to the delivery person when your products arrive.
- We will cover the extra surcharge.
- Yamato delivery service will deliver your products.
-We will accept the following credit card type: JCB, VISA, MASTER, Diners, American Express, UC, CrediSaison, AEON Credit, DC, UFJ, Nicos, Top & Card.
Please go to ___ for the further information about acceptable credit card company.

1. If you choose the cash on delivery service...
- You can pay to the delivery person when products arrive.
- The cash on delivery service fee \315 will be charged.
-Through Sagawa Transport service, payments need to be paid by cash.

2. If you choose prepaid back transfer service...
- Please deposit the payment to one of the following bank
1) eBank サンバ支店 Sanba branch (普)7001778 カ)カナザワダイチ
2) HokkokuBank ミズキ支店 Mizuki branch (普)074786 カ)カナザワダイチ
3) Postal Transfer (Account #) 00760-1-74303
(加入者名) 株式会社 金沢大地
- You might be charged service fee when you make bank transfer deposit.
- Please specify your name or the name of the person who made order.
If somebody is making a payment instead of you, please contact us.


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: About Shipping Fee

このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: https://k-daichi.sakura.ne.jp/cgi-bin/mt42/mt-tb.cgi/203


Kanazawa Daichi
Agri Hagu Hug
Organic Farmer Shinjiro Imura's BLOG


このページは、スタッフがAugust 28, 2009 9:57 AMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Identification 」です。

次のブログ記事は「Q & A Please feel free to ask us any questions.」です。

